To belong to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, with its history rooted in the depths of human existence, and its economic, social, and cultural wealth, home of unique diversity worldwide, is certainly a source of pride. However, it also places on our shoulders, as individuals and corporate entities, the considerable responsibility of both contributing to these gains and to their preservation. This feeling of belonging to this land and the profound understanding of the importance of safeguarding it, is what drove us from the first moment to establish a company focused on providing the latest technological security methods to safeguard our borders, society, infrastructure, resources, and data from any infractions or destruction that we may face in a time fraught with danger and conflicts from every side; for security is the wall of the citadel of society which, if it falls, it takes with it all our gains, and leaves the country vulnerable to greed and the powers of evil and discontent.
Today at Mehan we put before you the best services in the field of human resources solutions; The result of an extensive study and an inclusive consensus that was carried out as a team to identify security technologies currently in use in government and private establishments, as well as their levels of performance.Therefore, we are confident in our guarantee to provide exceptional services to provide the information needed to service you and your assets.